1th User Meeting Vista Scope from Molecular Vista




Travel Information


Register now!

10th October 2024 / 8:30 – 16:15 with an evening event 17:00 – 22:00

Max-Planck Institute



* Create a community of VistaScope users for the better exchange of experiences. *

* Physical background Photo-Induced Force Microscopy (PiFM) and IR-AFM *

* Give an insight into the latest technological developments. *

Applications of PiFM:
Material Analysis, Nanoparticles, Biological Materials, Battery Research
Dr. Qi Chen (Covestro, NL)
Dr. Maarten van Es (TNO, NL)
MSc. Franjo Weber (MPIP, DE)
Dr. Fabian Lodermeyer (Siltronic, DE)
Prof. Volker Deckert (Jena, DE)
Dr. Daniela Täuber (Jena, DE)
MSc. Xiaotang Shi (MPIP, DE)
Dr. Adriaan Duijndam (Utrecht, NL)
Dr. Markus Katzer (Leoben, AT)
Ing. Kateřina Plevová (Leoben, AT)
Prof. Aurelien Bryant (Troyes, FR)
Dr. Sung Park (US)


8:30 · Arrive - get your name badge and a cup of coffee
9:00 · Molecular Vista - welcome remarks - company and product update
9:30 · Identification of Polymeric Colloidal Particles and Their Morphology Using PiFM · Covestro
9:50 · Application and Technology Development for PiFM Based Latent Resist Imaging in Semiconductor Manufacturing · TNO
10:10 · Lithium diffusion detection by photo-induced force microscopy · Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
10:30 · Break
10:45 · Applications of PiFM for Silicon Wafer Manufacturing · Siltronic
11:05 · Tip-enhanced Raman Scattering with Vista One - Pushing the Limits · Jena
11:25 · Nanoscale Chemical Characterization of Secondary Protein Structure of F-Actin using PiFM · Jena
11:45 · Lunch ( provided )
12:45 · Panel Discussion and Q&A - PiFM advanced topics with distinguished colleagues representing various disciplines
13:30 · PiFM measurement on electrode-electrolyte interphase of lithium-ion batteries · Max Planck Institute of Polymer Research
13:50 · PiFM attempts on polymers, molecules and layered materials · University of Leoben
14:10 · Physico-chemical characterization of nano-sized polymers using PiFM · University of Utrecht
14:30 · Break
15:00 · Compatibilizer effects on polymer interphases in PE-PA blends · University of Leoben
15:20 · Observation of Ordered and Disordered Water Molecules on Glass Surfaces · Molecular Vista
15:40 · s-SNOM using Generalized Lock-In · UTT
16:00 · Closing Remarks, Laboratory Tour, reception ( Drinks & food )

Travel Information

Transportation from Airport (ICE Train, 1 Stop, ~ 20 minutes ride):

Public Transportation to/in Mainz: Train to Mainz Main Station (Hauptbahnhof)
Bus 630 from Station to Bretzenheim (5 Stops, 15 Minutes ride) or
Tram 51 or 59 from Station to Bretzenheim (6 Stops, ~ 20 minutes)


+49 37421 24212 TELEFON

Max Planck Institute MPI